Union Of Healthy Cities 33th Ordinary Assembly Meeting

Four awards to Izmir Metropolitan Municipality at once

4 more facilities will supply the need for electricity from solar energy

2030 'Sustainable Development Goals' conference

İzmir takes its place in WHO Healthy Cities Phase VI.

Europe meets in İzmir

WHO European Healty Cities Network will be in Izmir in June 2013

Conference of Turkish Healty Cities Network was held in April 2011 in Bursa

The book , İzmir Urban Health Development Plan information meetings started…

WHO Conference of Belgium was held in Liege in June 2011

Conference of Turkish Healty Cities Network was held in Eskisehir in September 2011

European Healty Cities Sub-Network; gathered in Brussels October 2011

8th Anniversary Conference of Turkish Healty Cities Network was held in Yalova

Conference of Turkish Healty Cities Network was held in Trabzon in May 2012

WHO European Healty Cities Network was June 2012 in St.Petersburg

İzmir was accepted into World Health Organization (WHO) National Healty Cities Network.

6th Anniversary Conference of Turkish Healty Cities Network was held in Denizli

İzmir Natural Life Park Project was entitled for jury's special award

World Health Organization (WHO) European Healty Cities Network and National Networks gathered between June 17 and 19, 2010 in Norway

Education of Healty Cities Project was completed between February 26 and 27 ,2010